Political Parties & Organizations

 I have tried to present the widest array of political thought I could find. It is my belief that the greatest threat to liberty in this country is the two party system. Candidates, in this country, are manipulated by those whom are the biggest contributors of funds: Hollywood on the one hand and big business on the other, each becoming indistinguishable from the other. The majority of Americans belong to neither of these groups and yet we are forced to choose between only these two. It is not the choice given a citizen , but, rather,  that given a child. This country was founded on the principle that all ideas be given a voice, but the conspiracy of dollars and the distortion issued from the electoral college make it impossible, at this time, for the any other than the two most powerful factions to be heard. Obviously all groups listed below do not represent my views, but the entire point of the American experiment is to allow for the free and total exchange of ideas. If there are any you feel have been missed please notify me and I will try to accommodate.




The Democratic National Committee : Democratic Home 
Welcome to Republican Main Street : Republican Home 
Libertarian Party 
Green Parties of North America 
The Natural Law Party 
Socialist Equality Party 
Workers' Party : International socialist party 
Socialist Party USA : Lenin, Trotsky, etc 
Communist Party U.S.A. home : Marx, Mao,etc. 
American Reform Party : remember Ross Perot? 
Social Democrats, USA 
Confederate Party : non-racist, just anti-Federalist 
ku klux klan : racist, uneducated, gun-toting rednecks 
Christian Coalition :  want one of the world's richest televangelists as president 
The New Party 
New Liberty Party 
Official U.S. Taxpayers Party : Ultra-conservative 
Patriot Party Home Page : moderates, focus on the U.S. constitution 
Progressive Labor Party 
Workers of America 
Royalist Party of America 
The Puritan Party : remember The Scarlet Letter?


ACLU: American Civil Liberties Union 
National Organization of Women 
Zero Population Growth : Organization that addresses perhaps the single most important issue of the age. 
International Labour Organization 
Freedom Forum Online : Non partison international foundation dedicated to free press, 
free speech, and free spirit. 
 American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee 






 Sinn Fein Homepage : The other side to the Ireland issue.

 Palestine Home Page : The other side of the Israel issue.

 EZLN (Zapatista) Home Page : The other side of the Mexico issue.



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